I love you guys. Did you know that? Well if you didn't you should. Seriously. As cheesy as it sounds, I have no idea what kind of person I'd be without all of you. With every comment you leave and with every thumbs up and new follower I become a better person, and I will endlessly thank you.
That feels good to say that! :)
Anyway, on to the review! :D
So, these little suckers right here have been around pretty much as long as elf has. They end up in allure all the time for being a great product and I hear a lot about them. They're crazy versatile and come in a nice color range, considering lower priced items ten to have a terrible range of colors. The one I have right here is called "Pink Lemonade, and I must say at first I hated it. I tried using it on my lips and I thought it made me look like I had a fat lip. It was a nice red-pink with a pink duo chrome, and I couldn't stand it. I set it aside and didn't touch it for months. Recently it occurred to me that I can put it on my cheeks too. I mean, hello! ALL OVER color stick! I found that it was actually crazy blendable and really natural looking. I almost never wear blush in fear of looking like a clown, or being that girl that is wearing the wrong color blush. Come on. Everyone know that one girl who wears hot orange blush. The staying power is the same as any other blush I've ever tried and it hasn't appeared to dry out or anything. So in the end, it definetly gets my stamp of approval!
Anyway, It's only $1, and honestly, considering cream blushes take an eternity to get through, you really can't lose :)
This is how I feel it looks on lips:

Here is how it looks next to the other shades:

Thanks so much for reading :)
We love you too! :)